Arquillian – The aliens are invading

I dedicate this post to my forefather, most of it was written while i was taking care of my father at hospital, rest in peace my best friend!

The ideia behind this post is to share my experience with Arquillian[1] which is becoming – the de facto standard – framework for writing (real) tests in the JavaEE environment(hence the blog title).

We will use arquillian to test a JavaEE6(compatible with EE7) application, all sources are available at github here, its a simple User, Group and Role management application. Also as usual there is a video showing what we will see on this entry:


Arquillian is a testing platform which brings the power of real tests in Java enterprise applications by enabling the easy creation of integration, functional, behaviour tests among others.

One of the main characteristic of tests written with arquillian is that they run inside a container like servlet container, CDI, JavaEE(6 or +) server, mobile and so on, the so called in-container testing[2]. With tests inside a container the developer or test engineer don’t need to be concerned with server environment such as EJBs, JPA, CDI and JMS infrastructures and can focus on test itself.

To be able to run tests inside a container its necessary to provide which classes and resources will be part of the tests, this is called a “micro-deployment” cause its usually a subset of all application resources.

Micro deployment

Creating micro-deployments is ease by ShrinkWrap library, here is an example:

     @Deployment//tells arquillian which method generates the deployment
     public static Archive<?> createDeployment() {
	  WebArchive war = ShrinkWrap.create(WebArchive.class);

          //adding classes
          //adding all classes in com.mypackage and in its subpackages
          //adding libs
          MavenResolverSystem resolver = Maven.resolver();
	  //adds primefaces4.0.jar in web-inf/libs

	  //web-inf resources

	  //copies src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/beans.xml to micro-deployment WEB-INF folder
          war.addAsWebInfResource("src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/beans.xml", "beans.xml");


	 //copies src/test/resources/test-persistence.xml to src/main/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml micro deployment folder
         war.addAsResource("test-persistence.xml", "META-INF/persistence.xml");

	return war;

Execution modes

To perform in-container tests arquillian can be configured to operate in three ways:

  • Embedded: An embedded container version is downloaded via maven during execution time and tests run on top of it
  • Remote: Arquillian connects to a container running on a local or remote machine.
  • Managed: in this mode arquillian manages container startup/shutdown by using a container installation. Note that if the container is already running locally arquillian will connect to it like in remote mode.

Test run modes

There are two ways tests can run with arquillian, in-container and as client.

Running tests in container means you have full control of artifacts deployed by micro-deployment like injecting beans, access persistenceContext, EJBs and so on. This is how we do integration/white box tests.

Running as client is the opposite, we cannot access any deployed resource. This mode simulates a client accessing our application from outside and denotes black box testing.

Also there is the mixed mode where some tests run as client and others inside container.

Here is a detailed explanation of arquillian test run mode.

Test lifecycle

Every arquillian test execution follows the following steps:

  1.  Micro deployment creation, it can be and jar, war or ear. If a dependency cannot be colected(resource not found), the process is aborted.
  2.  Startup of the container(embedded and managed) or arquillian connects to a container(remote mode) where tests will run. Can abort process if server doesn’t start within 60 sec or isn’t found.
  3. Deploy of micro-deployment generated in step 1. If a dependency is missing, e.g.: CDI bean dependent beans not deployed, arquillian will not run tests related to this micro-deploy.
  4. Tests related to step 3 micro-deployment are executed
  5. Undeploy of step 3 micro-deploy
  6. Container shutdown(in managed or embedded) or container disconnect(remote)

OBS: steps 1, 3, 4 and 5 will repeat for each @Deployment – @RunWith(Arquillian.class) present in test classaph.


The framework is composed by various extensions, here are the ones we will use:

  • Core: base of all other extensions, it’s responsible of deploy/undeploy,container startup and shutdown and also manage tests life cycle.
  • Drone: Integration with selenium like webdriver management/injection.
  • Graphene: provide a layer of abstraction on top of webdriver extending its functionalities to ease functional tests creation
  • Persistence: brings database management to tests via DBUnit
  • JBehave: enables BDD tests in arquillian through JBehave.
  • Warp: enables gray box testing creation
  • Recorder: allows test recording through video and images.
  • Rest: enables restful endpoints testing
  • JaCoCo: test coverage metrics.

for more extensions refer to arquillian github organization and reference guide

Configuring a project to use Arquillian

Following are the main steps to configure arquillian.


Below is a basic arquillian pom.xml

      <!-- Test dependencies -->
            <groupId>junit</groupId> <!--testNG is also supported-->
        <!-- arquillian test framework set to junit, could be testNG -->
       <!-- shrinkWrap resolvers -->
		<!-- container adapter -->
	 <dependency><!-- server and mode(managed)-->
	  <!-- end test dependencies -->

Arquillian uses the concept of maven bom(bill of materials) where a dependency of type pom dictates the recommended versions(can be overriden) of declared dependencies so because of this we didnt declared the version of most of above dependencies. Here follows the arquillian core bom which must be declared at dependencyManagement section:


Configuration file

Arquillian centralizes its configuration in arquillian.xml which contains container adapters and extensions configuration, it must be located at src/test/resources, here is an example:

<arquillian xmlns:xsi=""

	<!-- Force the use of the Servlet 3.0 protocol with all containers, as it is the most mature -->
	<defaultProtocol type="Servlet 3.0" />

	<container qualifier="jboss-remote" >
			<property name="managementAddress"></property>
			<property name="managementPort">9999</property>

	<container qualifier="jboss-managed"  default="true" >
		   <!-- jbossHome can be replaced by JBOSS_HOME maven environmentVariable-->
	    	   <property name="jbossHome">#{arquillian.serverHome}</property>
	           <property name="outputToConsole">true</property>
                   <property name="javaVmArguments">-Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Djboss.bind.address=localhost</property>
//makes it behave like remote adapter if container is already started
		   <property name="allowConnectingToRunningServer">true</property>

Basically what we have are adapters config, in this example jboss managed is active by default. Note that container activated in arquillian.xml must have its dependency present in test classpath when running the tests, in our case jboss-as-arquillian-container-managed.

To switch beetween adapters you can either hardcode default property(as above) or use arquillian.launch file which may contain the name of the qualifier to be used by tests.

To make arquillian.launch dinamic you can use a maven property instead of using a constant adapter qualifier, but a better approach is to use maven system property in maven surefire plugin so for example jboss-managed maven profile sets arquillian.launch to jboss-manaded as below:


Using this approach we garantee that adapter dependency will be present in classpath. Also note JBOSS_HOME enviromnment variable is here to specify container location(needed by managed adapter), we are using ${arquillian.serverHome} so it can be overriden via maven command when executing by CI.

Hello Arquillian

With maven dependencies and arquillian.xml configured to use jboss as test container in managed mode we already can create an arquillian (integration)test.

public class HelloArquillianIt {//'It' sulfix is used to identify different types of test in pom.xml, we'll detail in tips section  

    public static WebArchive createDeployment() {
        WebArchive war = ShrinkWrap.create(WebArchive.class);
        war.addPackages(true, "org.conventions.archetype.model");//entities
        war.addClasses(RoleService.class, RoleServiceImpl.class) //we will test RoleService
        .addClasses(UserService.class, UserServiceImpl.class)//used by
        .addPackages(true, "org.conventions.archetype.qualifier")//@ListToUpdate, @see roleServiceImpl
        war.addPackages(true, "");//security interceptor @see beans.xml
        war.addPackages(true, "org.conventions.archetype.event");//UpdateListEvent @see RoleServiceImpl#afterStore
        war.addPackages(true, "org.conventions.archetype.util");
        MavenResolverSystem resolver = Maven.resolver();
        war.addAsLibraries(resolver.loadPomFromFile("pom.xml").resolve("org.conventionsframework:conventions-core:1.1.2").withTransitivity().asFile());//convention is a experimental framework to enable some JavaEE utilities

        war.addAsWebInfResource(new File(WEB_INF,"beans.xml"), "beans.xml");//same app beans.xml
        war.addAsWebInfResource(new File(WEB_INF,"web.xml"), "web.xml");same app web.xml
        war.addAsWebInfResource(new File(WEB_INF,"faces-config.xml"), "faces-config.xml");

        war.addAsWebInfResource("jbossas-ds.xml", "jbossas-ds.xml");//datasource

        war.addAsResource("test-persistence.xml", "META-INF/persistence.xml");//customized persistence.xml to use a different database 

        return war;

    RoleService roleService;// service real instance

    public void shouldListRolesWithSuccess(){
        assertEquals(roleService.crud().countAll(),???????????);// how many roles?


As you can see the most difficult part is creating the test deployment, you need to discover each component dependency and you usually face some
‘noClassDefFound’ error or ‘unsatisfiedDependency’ Exception but after that you can move most deployment entries to a utility class and reuse between your tests, see

Also note that we could not made the assertion in test method cause we dont know how many roles there is in database, by the way which database the test is using? it’s using the one declared in test-persistence.xml(added in micro-deployment) which uses a maven property ${datasource} that is
defined in pom.xml. For tests using jboss or wildfly we are going to use ‘exampleDS’ as datasource.

The test datasource uses exampleDS2 cause its good practice that tests has its own database, as exampleDS2 is not configured in the server we add it on demand in our micro deployment via jbossas-ds.xml.

Ok we answered which database but we still doesn’t know how to populate test database so we can make assertions on top of it.

One way is to initialize database before each test using an utility class, here is TestService:

public class TestService implements Serializable {

    @PersistenceContext(unitName = "archetypeTestPU")
    EntityManager em;	

    RoleService roleService;

    public void createRoleDataset(){

        Role roleArch = new Role("architect");
        Role roleAdmin = new Role("administrator");



    public void clearDatabase() {

        em.createNativeQuery("delete from group__role_").executeUpdate();//intermediate tables
        em.createNativeQuery("delete from user__group_").executeUpdate(); //intermediate tables
        em.createNativeQuery("delete from role_").executeUpdate();//role
        em.createNativeQuery("delete from group_").executeUpdate();//group
        em.createNativeQuery("delete from user_").executeUpdate();//user


here is our integration test with test service to initialize database:

    //testService needs to be added to deployment with .addClass(TestService.class); so it can be injected into test.

    TestService testService;

    public void shouldListRolesWithSuccess(){
        int numRoles = roleService.crud().countAll();
        assertEquals(numRoles, 2);

Running the test

To run the test from IDE just right click in and choice run/debug as junit test(dont forget to activate adapter maven profile in IDE).

Also be careful with JBOSS_HOME environment variable, in eclipse it also must be set (in Intellij it is set automatically for you)

To run via maven, surefire plugin must be configured:


in case surefire is defined in main build tag in pom.xml then tests will be executed on each build(mvn package, install or test). We will see in
TIPS section how to separate tests in specific maven profiles.

Another way to initialize database is to use DBUnit throught arquillian persistence extension.

Managing test database with arquillian persistence

Persistence extension helps the writing of tests where persistence layer is involved like preparing a test dataset, make a dataset assertion and so on, its based on dbunit framework.


<!--arquillian persistence(dbunit) -->

Configuration file

    <extension qualifier="persistence">
        <property name="defaultDataSource">${datasource}</property>
        <!--<property name="defaultDataSeedStrategy">CLEAN_INSERT</property>-->

${datasource} is set via maven property in pom.xml so we can have dinamic datasource to run tests in different servers, for example in JBossAS tests must use datasource java:jboss/datasources/ExampleDS


    @Cleanup(phase = TestExecutionPhase.BEFORE)
    public void shouldListRolesUsingDataset(){
        int numRoles = roleService.crud().countAll();"COUNT:"+numRoles);
        assertEquals(numRoles, 3);

role.yml is a file located at src/test/resources/datasets folder with the following content describing 3 roles:

  - id: 1
    name: "role"
    version: 1
    createDate: 2014-01-01
    updateDate: 2014-01-01
  - id: 2
    name: "role2"
    version: 1
    createDate: 2014-01-01
    updateDate: 2014-01-01
  - id: 3
    name: "role3"
    version: 1
    createDate: 2014-01-01
    updateDate: 2014-01-01

Other formats like json e xml are supported.

Its also possible to execute scripts before/after each test with @ApplyScriptBefore/After and make dataset assertions with @ShouldMatchDataSet.

Some limitations:

  • hard to maintain large datsets
  • dataset values are static but in next version there will be a way to feed datasets with expressions
  • can degradate test performance(looks like it was fixed for next version(alpha7))
  • doesn’t work with client tests(black box)

Behaviour driven tests(BDD)

BDD[4] with arquillian is implemented in arquillian-jbehave extension throught jbehave[5] framework where an story file(.story) dictates the behaviour of a functionalite using natural language with ‘give when then’ tuple which links the story with tests that will execute based on the described behaviour.



	<!-- although jbehave extension works great and integrates well with most other extensions it doesn't <a href="" target="_blank">have an official release</a> -->
            <id>arquillian jbehave UNofficial maven repo</id>


here follows BDD example, all bdd related tests can be found here.

public class UserBdd extends BaseBdd {

    public static WebArchive createDeployment()
        WebArchive archive = Deployments.getBaseDeployment() //same deployment we saw before
        return archive;


Superclass BaseBdd is used to configure jbehave like for example customize test output report and initialize Steps – classes that execute the test behaviour(given when then).

The mapping between step class and story file works in the following way:

  • arquillian looks for story file in the same package of the class which extends JUnitStory which in case is UserBdd cause it extends BaseBdd that extends JUnitStory.
  • story file name by convention must have the same name of the class which extends JUnitStory but with ‘_'(underline) instead of camelcase, so for example UserBdd story file is user_bdd.story. This convention can be configured in BaseBdd or you can override configuration() method.
  • to execute the behaviour jbehave uses one or more step classes provided in the annotation @Steps(MyStepClass.class)
Story: manage users

Scenario: listing users by role

When i search users with role [name]

Then users found is equal to [total]


//other scenarios related to user

and the step class to execute the behaviour

public class UserSteps extends BaseStep implements Serializable {

    private Integer totalUsersFound;

    private String message;

    public void setUpStory(){
	//initialize story

    public void setUpScenario(){
        //initialize scenario

    @When("i search users with role $name")
    public void searchUserByRole(@Named("name") String roleName){
           totalUsersFound = userService.findUserByRole(new Role(roleName)).size();

    @Then("users found is equal to $total")
    public void usersFoundEqualTo(@Named("total") Integer total){

The matching between story and test(Step) is done by exact string comparison but you can use @Alias annotation to match multiple strings for a step.

For more information about JBehave see its (great) documentation at

Jbehave enables acceptance tests which can be white box, sometimes called system acceptance tests and usually are defined by development team cause they cover internal system logic or can be black box and named as user acceptance tests which is usualy written by or with client(final user), we will cover black boxed bdd tests later.

To execute bdd tests in our app use:

mvn clean test -Pwildfly-managed -Pbdd-tests

Functional Tests

Tests we saw until now were white boxed or in other words executed in the same proccess(JVM) where container executes tests so we have direct access(through injection) to the objects that were deployed by the micro deployment. Functional tests are black boxed and run “from outside” the container in a different JVM simulating a client accessing the system through user interface.

Arquillian enables functional tests through Drone and Graphene extensions. Both work on top of selenium, the first manages webdriver lifecycle and injection and the second extends selenium funcionalities as PageObjects[6], jquery selectors, page fragments, simplified waits and so on.




note that the extension uses two boms, selenium bom updates webdriver version regardless webdriver version that comes in drone bom but it needs to be declared before cause in case of identical dependencies(from each bom) the first has precedence on the others in dependencyManagement section.

Configuration file

<extension qualifier="graphene">
	   <property name="waitGuiInterval">3</property>
	   <property name="waitAjaxInterval">4</property>
	   <property name="waitModelInterval">5</property>

	 <extension qualifier="webdriver">
<!--         <property name="browser">firefox</property> -->
        <property name="browser">${arquillian.browser}</property>
        <property name="dimensions">1280x1024</property>
        <property name="remoteReusable">${arquillian.remoteReusable}</property>
 		<property name="remote">${arquillian.remote}</property>
        <property name="remoteAddress">${arquillian.seleniumGrid}</property>
        <property name="chromeDriverBinary">${arquillian.chromeDriver}</property>
        <!-- propriedade para rodar com o chrome localmente, baixar em: -->

to more configuration details see drone and graphene documentation.


here follows functional testing example, all functional related source can be found here

first step is micro-deployment:

    @Deployment(testable = false)
    public static Archive<?> createDeployment() {
        WebArchive war = Deployments.getBaseDeployment()
        .addPackages(true, UserMBean.class.getPackage()) //managed beans
        .addPackages(true,"org.conventions.archetype.converter");//faces converters

        //web resources (pages, js, css etc...)
        war.merge(ShrinkWrap.create(GenericArchive.class).as(ExplodedImporter.class).importDirectory(WEBAPP_SRC).as(GenericArchive.class), "/", Filters.include(".*\\.(xhtml|html|css|js|png)$"));
        war.addAsWebResource(new File(TEST_RESOURCES, "/pages/test-logon.xhtml"), "/templates/logon.xhtml");//test logon initialize database for black box tests on each logon, we will detail it later in TIPS section
        return war;

the main difference is the property testable = false which indicates that the test will run as client(separated JVM) this is necessary for drone getting in action cause it executes as a separated proccess.

We also need to add managed beans(bean package), converters and web related resources
such as pages and js files to the test deploy, that is done via ShrinkWrap Filters which accepts regular expressions letting this task simple and generic but becareful cause you are adding all files of a type(eg .js) and if the application is big it can onerate deployment process.

Here is logon example:

    WebDriver browser;

    public void shouldLogonWithSuccess(@InitialPage HomePage home){
        home.getLogonDialog().doLogon("admin", "admin");
        home.verifyMessage(resourceBundle.getString(""));/;/asserts primefaces growl message


– WebDriver is injected by drone and it know the browser through the arquillian.xml property ${arquillian.browser}. ${arquillian.browser} is defined in pom.xml.
– @InitialPage denote the page that webdriver must navigate before executing the test.
– HomePage is a PageObject[6], here is its code:

public class HomePage extends BasePage{

    private LogonDialog logonDialog;

    public LogonDialog getLogonDialog() {
        return logonDialog;

Also note:
– @Location annotation helps Drone to navigate via @InitialPage
– BasePage has some utilities for page objects
– @FindByJquery is an extension of FindBy selenium selector and is based on JQuery selector
– LogonDialog is a pageFragment and here is its code:

public class LogonDialog {

    private GrapheneElement dialog;

    private GrapheneElement username;

    private GrapheneElement password;

    private GrapheneElement btLogon;

    public void doLogon(String username, String password){

    public boolean isPresent(){
        return this.username.isPresent();

About LogonDialog fragment:

– GrapheneElement is an extension of seleniun webelement
– guardHttp is a Graphene implicity wait that will block test until the http request is done, there is also ajax wait which is very useful
– there is also explicity wait like Graphene.waitModel() and its timeout is configured in arquillian.xml

To execute functional tests in our app use:

mvn clean test -Pwildfly-managed -Pft-tests

User Acceptance tests

In this article i will call user acceptance tests[7] a combination of functional tests with Jbehave or in other words, black box behaviour driven tests. Its important to separate different types of tests cause you probably will want to execute them in different moments, eg: faster tests(white box) on each commit and slower and resource consumer ones at the end of the day.

As this kind of test is a combination of other kind of tests we wont have any specific configuration in arquillian.xml nor dependency at pom.


@Steps({ RoleStep.class, LogonStep.class })
public class RoleAt extends BaseAt {

    @Deployment(testable = false)
    public static WebArchive createDeployment()
        WebArchive archive = createBaseDeployment();

        return archive;


BaseAt combines elements of functional tests(testable=false) and bdd tests that we saw earlier.

role_at.story(remember name convention)

Story: manage user roles

GivenStories: org/conventions/archetype/test/at/logon/logon_at.story

Scenario: insert new role

Given user go to role home

When user clicks in new button

Then should insert role with name new role

Scenario: search roles

Given user go to role home

When user filter role by name [name]

Then should list only roles with name [name]

And return [total] rows


public class RoleStep implements Serializable {

    private WebDriver browser;

    private URL baseUrl;

    private RoleHome roleHome;

    private Menu menu;

    @Given("user go to role home")
    public void goToRoleHome() {

    @When("user clicks in new button")
    public void userClickInNewButton() {
        WebElement footer = roleHome.getFooter();
        WebElement newButton = footer.findElement(By.xpath("//button"));

    @Then("should insert role with name $name")
    public void shouldInsertRole(String name) {


    @When("user filter role by name $name")
    public void userFilterRolesBy(@Named("name") String name) {

    @Then("should list only roles with name $name")
    public void shouldListRolesWith(@Named("name") String name) {
        for (WebElement row : roleHome.getTableRows("table")) {

    @Then("return $total rows")
    public void shouldReturn(@Named("total") Integer total){
         assertEquals(roleHome.getTableRows("table").size(), total.intValue());


RoleHome is a pageObject that controls role form(roleHome.xhtml), its source can be found here.


Story: logon as user

Scenario: user should logon successfully

Given i am at logon screen

When i logon providing credentials admin, admin

Then i should be logged in

public class LogonStep extends BaseAtStep implements Serializable {

  private WebDriver       browser;

  private URL             baseUrl;

  private Menu menu;

  private HomePage home;

  @Given("i am at logon screen")
  public void imAtLogon() {
    if (!home.getLogonDialog().isPresent()) {
      //if is already logged in, do logout

  @When("i logon providing credentials $username, $password")
  public void loginWithCredentials(String username, String password) {

  @Then("i should be logged in")
  public void shouldBeAt() {


To execute user acceptance tests in our example project use this maven command:

mvn clean test -Pwildfly-managed -Pat-tests

Gray box tests with Warp

With gray box testing[3] we can fire a request as client(eg:via web driver) and inspect internal objects(like in white box tests) like http session, faces context etc.

Warp tests of our example app can be found here.




public class LogonWarp {

    protected static final String WEBAPP_SRC = "src/main/webapp";

    protected static final String TEST_RESOURCES = "src/test/resources";

    protected WebDriver browser;

    protected URL baseUrl;

    @Deployment(testable = true)
    public static Archive<?> createDeployment() {
        WebArchive war = Deployments.getBaseDeployment()
                .addPackages(true, UserMBean.class.getPackage()) //managed beans

        //web resources
        war.merge(ShrinkWrap.create(GenericArchive.class).as(ExplodedImporter.class).importDirectory(WEBAPP_SRC).as(GenericArchive.class), "/", Filters.include(".*\\.(xhtml|html|css|js|png)$"));
        war.addAsWebResource(new File(TEST_RESOURCES, "/pages/test-logon.xhtml"), "/templates/logon.xhtml");//test logon clears the database on each logon
        return war;

        public void shouldLogonWithSuccess(@InitialPage final HomePage home){
            Warp.initiate(new Activity() {

                public void perform() {
                    home.getLogonDialog().doLogon("admin", "admin");

                    .inspect(new Inspection() {
                        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

                        SecurityContext securityContext;

                        ResourceBundle resourceBundle;

                        public void shouldNotBeLoggedIn() {

                        public void shouldBeLoggedIn(@ArquillianResource FacesContext context) {
                            boolean loggedInMessage = false;
                            for (FacesMessage facesMessage : context.getMessageList()) {
                                      loggedInMessage = true;


Gray box tests mix elements from black and white box tests, this is achieved with arquillian mixed mode where we have a Deployment(testable=true) which denotes white testing and at the same time we RunAsClient for the black box part.

The black box part is represented by the Activity interface which has a perform method that is responsible for firing client requests.

The white(server side execution) part is represented by Inspection interface, whithin inspection you can do anything you do with white box testing such as accessing CDI beans through injection for example.

Also note that you can observe specific requests(Activity may start multiple requests) with observe method.

In our example we first logon in the application via user interface with Drone/Graphene and latter we access internal system object, in case SecurityContext to see if user is in fact logged.

Tips and recommendations


I’m using the following sulfix convention to differentiate tests:

it: Integration (white box)tests (eg:
ft: Functional (black box)tests (eg:
bdd: white box (system)acceptance tests (eg:
at: black box (user)acceptance tests (ex:
warp: gray box tests (ex:

this way we easy test profiles management.

Test profiles

Its used to separate different types of test so you can run them in different moments(eg: run lightweight tests more frequent or earlier)

With the sulfix notation we can separate tests in surefire plugin as follows:

			<!-- all tests -->
								<include>**/*</include><!--functional -->
								<include>**/*</include><!--integration -->
								<include>**/*</include><!--unit -->
								<include>**/*</include><!--white acceptance -->
								<include>**/*</include><!--black acceptance -->
								<include>**/*</include><!--gray box -->
<!-- avoid execution of test superclasses -->


			<!-- only integration tests and bdd(white box) -->


			<!-- only functional and user acceptance tests (black box) -->

Container profiles(adapters)

We talked about three execution modes to run arquillian tests inside a container. To switch between adapters easily we can define maven profiles:





Note that in this case we are using surefire only to define properties like:

– JBOSS_HOME provide container path(in managed case). We hold container path in
arquillian.serverHome maven property so it can be overriden by CI(Jenkins) later.
– arquillian.launch informs which adapter must be activated in arquillian.xml

You can also use container maven dependency to download container automaticly during tests as follows:


maven dependency plugin downloads the container(if its not in local maven repo) and unpack it inside target directory. Surefire plugin uses
arquillian.serverHome property which points to the server inside target dir.

Faster test execution

When we are developing tests we tend to execute them a lot which can be very time consuming, imagine execute them inside a container which needs to be started and stopped. One way to minimize that is to use the remote container adapter so the developer starts the container once and then execute tests on top of this started container so the only time consuming task(aside from the test itself) is the micro-deployment deploy/undeploy. here is a a remote adapter maven profile:



the system property arquillian.launch selects the container to be activated in arquillian.xml:

<container qualifier="jboss-remote" >
			<property name="managementAddress"></property>
			<property name="managementPort">9999</property>

OBS: As you usually will deploy a datasource within your test deploy becareful with the infamous DuplicateService exception.

Avoiding multiple deployments

In white box tests it is possible to avoid multiple deployments(@Deployment) through test dependency injection, to achieve that you just need to separate your test classes and inject them in a common class which has the arquillian deployment, see where we inject UserIt and RoleIt to leverage ArchetypeIt deployment.

Manipulating test database in functional tests

As we don’t have access to deployed classes during black box tests we can’t use our TestService(neither arquillian persistence) to initialize/prepare database for tests so what we do is to deploy a customized logon page so each time a login is done we init database, this is done in BaseFt as follows:

war.addAsWebResource(new File(TEST_RESOURCES, "/pages/test-logon.xhtml"), "/templates/logon.xhtml");

//test logon clears and initializes test database on each logon

the customized logon fires the initialization method via primefaces remote command each time logon dialog is opened, its the same application logon dialog with the additional code showed below:

 <h:form id="loginForm">
            <p:remoteCommand name="init" rendered="#{not loggedIn}" autoRun="true" immediate="true" process="@this" update="@none" partialSubmit="true" actionListener="#{testService.initDatabaseWithUserAndGroups}"/>

this way we garantee a specific dataset for tests.

Rest testing

For testing restful web services we are running arquillian as client(black box) and deploying our Rest endpoint to microdeployent.

When running as client we can inject the application url(which is dinamic generated by arquillian) in tests via @ArquillianResource, that’s all we need to fire rest requests as client.

Rest test in our example app can be found here.

Also note that we are deploying a RestDataset class which is responsible for inializing our database before the tests.

For more advanced restful tests like testing endpoints from the server side refer to rest extension.

Running tests in CI server(Jenkins)

Running tests in Jenkin is same as locally, the only problem you may face is with functional tests cause CI servers usually dont have graphical interface so it can’t open a web browser to run tests. A way to solve that is to run functional tests remotely in a machine with
graphical card and with a selenium grid up and running, if you have that then you just need to pass some maven parammeters to your test command so you enable remote functional tests:

mvn clean test -Pjboss-managed -Darquillian.remote=true -Darquillian.seleniumGrid=http://remote-machine-ip:1044/wd/hub -Darquillian.localAddress=jenkins-ip

Note that:

arquillian.remote, arquillian.seleniumGrid and Darquillian.localAddress are properties defined in arquillian.xml used by webdriver extension that enable remote functional testing.

http://remote-machine-ip:1044/wd/hub is a selenium grid waiting for conections at port 1044

OBS: you can encapsulate above command in a maven profile:

	<properties>//profile default properties, can be overrided with -Dproperty-name=value

Another important aspect when running tests in continuous integration is where is the container, for that you can either have a container instalation on CI machine and use jboss managed pointing to that instalation or use the container as maven dependency as we explained here.

Yet another addendum is when you have multiple projects using arquillian tests and these tests run concurrent on CI, in this case you may have conflicts cause arquillian will try to start multiple containers on the same machine, one way to solve that on JBossAS is using port offset in arquillian.xml as show below:

	<container qualifier="jboss-managed"  default="true" >
	     <property name="jbossHome">${arquillian.jbossHome}</property>
	     <property name="outputToConsole">true</property>
            <property name="javaVmArguments">-Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m  -Djboss.bind.address=localhost
	    <property name="allowConnectingToRunningServer">false</property>
            <property name="managementPort">9154</property>

The parameters -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=100 and work in conjunction with property:

You just need to configure different offsets in your application so they can run concurrent on CI server. For more details see[11]


A problem you may face from time to time is the raise of DuplicateService Exception during test deploy, it usualy happens due to the dynamic datasource inclusion inside test deployment. Arquillian generates an entry in standalone.xml(in case of jbossas/wildfly)for each test deployment and undeploy it after test execution but somethimes it can’t undeploy it so next time you execute the test the datasource(added by micro deployment) will be registered again resulting in the exception below:

Caused by: org.jboss.msc.service.DuplicateServiceException: Service is already registered

When that happens you must remove the deployment entry in standalone.xml in order to run the tests again.

Note that this exception won’t happen when using the adapter as maven dependency as we saw in container profiles section.

Publishing test metrics

The generation of test metrics like % of test success/fails, tests executed and coverage is done by arquillian-jacoco extension:

JaCoCo works through byte code instrumentation and is activated by a maven plugin:


its also necessary to pass the following properties in pom.xml(or use -D option in maven command) so sonar can read jaCoCo reports

	        <sonar.core.codeCoveragePlugin>jacoco </sonar.core.codeCoveragePlugin>

then you can use the command:

mvn clean install -Pjboss-managed -Pall-tests -Pjacoco

note that you need to use ‘install’ so report is generated in target folder and also note that coverage report will only take into account white box tests.

Arquillian all dependencies

Arquillian All is an all-in-one maven dependency for arquillian, its main objective is to facilitate beginners to setup arquillian dependencies, if you have good knowlegde of arquillian platform then preferably declare each dependency you need so you can leveragy arquillian modularity. Here is a before-after arquillian-all pom.xml:


        <!-- Test dependencies -->
        <!-- arquillian -->
        <!--arquillian persistence(dbunit) -->
        <!-- warp -->
        <!-- shrinkWrap resolvers -->
         <!-- REST -->
        <!-- arquillian bdd -->
         <!-- jbehave -->


        <!-- Test dependencies -->
        <!-- arquillian -->

Functional tests on each commit?

As ftests tends to be slower than white box tests its unbearable to execute them on each commit in continuous integration, a way to workaround it is to create a dedicated jenkins job to run black box tests(ft-tests profile we showed before) and schedule it to run at the end of the day for example.

Another possibility is to execute functional tests is a headless browsers[8] so test time execution is faster and viable on each commit(or every 10 minutes at least).

Phantomjs is the most recommended for this kind of test, it simulates a web browser through the V8 javascript engine(same used by Chrome).

To execute tests using phantom in our sample application just activate ‘webdriver-phantomjs’ profile or -Darquillian.browser=phantomjs in maven command

Another option of headless webdriver is HtmlUnit, also supported by Drone.

Prime arquillian

Prime-Arquillian is an opensource project which aims testing Primefaces showcase, the output of this project must be Arquillian graphene page fragments representing primefaces components to easy functional testing of primefaces based applications.

The project is in initial state and has a draft of primefaces datatable fragment that can be found in components module.

The alien build pipeline

A good testing suite is the basis of a deployment pipeline where we can promote a build across multiple stages, this process is well explained by Martin Fowler here.

For our application i’ve created a simple pipeline with only automated steps that uses the arquillian tests of this post on a build pipeline orchestrated by Jenkins with metrics published in Sonar ending with a deployed version in Wildfly application server.

I have not detailed the pipeline here to not extend this post even more, instead i’ve published a video on youtube, any question you can post a comment here.


In this article we saw a powerfull testing platform that facilitate the development of tests in the JavaEE ecosystem and also saw it working in practice on a JavaEE6 application.

We could notice that arquillian provided support to most used kinds of tests and can be easily used in continous integration but its initial setup/configuration, mainly in existing projects, is not trivial but once done can bring inumerous advantages.



9 thoughts on “Arquillian – The aliens are invading

  1. There is a typo in arquillian version of BOM. It should be 1.1.4.Final instead of 1.1.4-Final.
    But the article is excellent, well done!


  2. Pingback: My Forge Experience pt1 | Rafael Pestano
  3. Hi Rafael,
    it is really well explained. I would like to introduce arquillian in our project. Although I don’t know if for our scenario it could be possible to do.
    Right know, our application is running with a CMS (Spring) and content and data is distributed across many databases. Do you have a Hint to meet this challenge?
    Thanks a lot for any help,


    • Hi Elias,

      for CMS i’ve worked with Alfresco i created integration tests for it by making real calls and fake ones, for real calls you will need a test environment for documents so you can can clear it before running your tests.

      For multiple databases if their datasources are configured on the container arquillian is starting you will have no problems injecting them with @PersistenceContext(for now Arquillian persistence will not help for it: But if the datasources are not in the arquillian container you will have to fake/mock calls to this databases, perhaps with arquillian Docker integration( you can overcome this limitation as you would start a container with all resources your application depends(including a CMS). I hope it helps.


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